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GMAT SC必考知识点——比较-短句-句子

作者:网络 来源:网络 日期:2023/4/11 10:06:43 人气:4 加入收藏 标签:比较 the in






i)like; unlike; compared to/with…; similar to…; contrary to….; …..等

1) 这组比较词通常只能接名词,代词,名词短语;



a. 比较词位于句子开头的时候,为句子主语,且主语前面通常不会加一些除了形容词之外的修饰成分

例句:Like ants, termites have an elaborate social structure in which a few individuals reproduce and the rest serve the colony by tending juveniles, gathering food, building the nest, or battling intruders.

在这个句子中, like就是用来做比较的,把ants和句子主语termites作比较,其中like后面只接了一个名词ants

例句:Unlike the virginal, whose single set of strings runs parallel to the front edge of the instrument, the harpsichord's several sets of strings are placed at right angles to its front edge.

在这个句子中,unlike位于句子开头,后面接了一个名词短语the virginal, whose….instrument(注意这里是一个名词+whose引导的定语从句,整体也是一个名词短语), 因为unlike位于句子开头,所以需要把the virginal和主语the harpsichord's several sets of strings作比较,很明显,这里的两个对象无法比较;

tips:like在GMAT中通常用来作比较,举例需要用such as…但是也偶尔会用like做举例,比如下面的句子

例句:Especially in the early years, new entrepreneurs may need to find resourceful ways, like renting temporary office space or using answering services, that make their company seem large and more firmly established than they may actually be.

注意,这个句子中的like用作举例,后面列举了两个ving分词短语:renting….和using….; 我们正常知道such as…作举例的时候,后面通常接名词或名词短语;

b. 比较词位于句子中间或结尾的时候,与比较词前面临近的成分比较,或者与句子主语比较,具体根据句子意思判断;

例句:Because property values sometimes fluctuate in response to economic conditions beyond the purchaser's control, an investment in a home may underperform when compared to that of other widely available classes of investments.

B. an investment in a home may underperform compared with other widely available classes of investments

C. an investment in a home may underperform when comparing it with other widely available classes of investments

在这个例题的B选项中,compared with…位于句子中间,后面接了一个名词短语 other widely available classes of investments, compared前面紧邻的为动词,所以这里只能和句子主语an investment比较

tips:compared with/to….通常都只能用在被动形式compared,如果需要使用主动语态,一定要有compare的动作发出者,比如在上述例题的C选项中:

when comparing it with ….中when从句省略了主语an investment(此用法不清楚的同学,请查看从句部分知识点), 但是an investment明显无法发出comparing的动作,因此此处不能用comparing。

tips:在GMAT中,不区分compared with….和compared to….的用法;

例句:In the United States, while the number of foreign-born residents and their children is higher than ever, the percentage of the population they represent is not; in 1910 this group made up 35 percent of the population when compared to 20 percent in 2000.

E. population, compared with 20 percent in 2000

在这个例题的E选项中,compared with 位于句子结尾,把20 percent in 2000 和前面的35 percent of the population比较

ii)just as….so…..; as;

这组比较词中,just as…so…后面通常接句子,也就是把just as…后面的句子和so后面的句子作比较;注意,so作为连词的时候,后面接的句子属于从句,因此需要在so前面存在另外一个句子才能保持句子结构完整。

例句:Like ancient Egyptian architectural materials that were recycled in the construction of ancient Greek Alexandria, so ancient Greek materials from the construction of that city were reused in subsequent centuries by Roman, Muslim, and modern builders.

C. Just as ancient Egyptian architectural materials were recycled in the construction of


在C选项中,把前面的like….部分替换成了just as +句子,just as…so…整体作为一个连词,把just as后面的句子和so后面的句子作比较,这样的句子结构是属于完整的。


比较对象: as后面接的短语或从句为其中一个比较对象;另外一个比较对象则取决于as的位置,如果as位于句子开头,通常后面接从句,因此与主句比较;如果as在句子中间,则通常与as前面的句子或短语比较

例句:Thai village crafts, as with other cultures, have developed through the principle that form follows function and incorporate readily available materials fashioned using traditional skills.

在这个句子中,as后面接了一个介词短语with other cultures, 位于句子中间,很明显是想和前面的名称Thai village crafts(句子主语)比较,但是as后面通常不能接名词,所以这里不用用as作为比较词

例句:Dinosaur tracks show them walking with their feet directly under their bodies, like mammals and birds, not extended out to the side in the manner of modern reptiles.

B. Dinosaur tracks show that they walked with their feet directly under their bodies, as do

在这个句子的B选项中,as后面接了一个句子do mammals and birds(比较中常见的倒装,不清楚的同学请查看倒装结构部分), 因为as位于句子中间,那么比较对象通常应该在as前面,向前可以找到they walked with their feet directly under their bodies, 结合两个句子的意思,可以知道就是这两个句子在作比较



例句:In the 1940s popular magazines in the United States began to report on the private lives of persons from the entertainment industry, in despite of the fact that they previously had featured individuals in business and politics.

E. whereas previously these publications had featured articles on individuals


in the 1940sPopular magazinesBegan to reportOn the private lives

of personsPreviouslyThese publicationsHad featuredOn individuals in

business and politics

iv)more…than….; as…as…..;





例句:According to a recent study, retirees in the United States are four times more likely to give regular financial aid to their children as to receive it from them.

C. retirees in the United States are four times more likely to give regular financial aid to their children than

比如在这个例题的C选项中,其中可以第一时间确定的比较对象为than后面的to receive it from them; 另外一个比较对象需要找寻more…than…修饰的对象,看到more对应的修饰likely的,而likely则修饰to give regular financial aid to their children, 因此为第二个比较对象





例句:Heating‐oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners arpaying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were last year.

在这个句子中存在两组比较,我们看第二组比较中,than后面是they were last year..其实这里在were后面还是存在部分省略,但是they were却被保留了下来,原因是因为than前面时态为现在进行时,但是last year只能用一般过去时,所以此处的they were..必须存在




例句:I like cheese more than Kate.

在这个句子中,Kate可以替代I作为主语,发出like的动作;同时,Kate也可以替代宾语cheese, 作like的宾语,因此比较上存在歧义,无法确定Kate和I比较还是和cheese比较;因此需要在than后面补出does 变成:I like cheese more than does Kate. 或者补出I do, 变成:I like cheese more than I do Kate.




例句:According to recent studies comparing the nutritional value of meat from wild animals and meat from domesticated animals, wild animals have less total fat than do livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat they think is good for cardiac health.

B. wild animals have less total fat than livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat thought to be

在这个例题的B选项中,than后面的比较对象livestock只能替代than前面句子的主语wild animals, 而不能替代than前面句子的宾语total fat, 因此只能为livestock和wild animals比较,不存在比较的歧义,因此than后面不需要补出动词;





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