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作者:网络 来源:网络 日期:2023/5/15 10:06:37 人气:2 加入收藏 标签:in the and 学校 ing


"Chinese companies are capable of making most aircraft components, but are less competitive due to higher costs and the design and quality can't catch up," Shanghai Securities Journal quoted an unidentified senior aircraft engineer as saying.

"Chinese know-how in several fields, including technology, gives Tunisian companies enormous potential to enter Chinese and global markets," Slama said.

"Colorado and California brew the best craft beer in the United States, so it makes sense they want this beer," Dong said, especially complimenting Guerrero's "Jasmine Lager" that includes jasmine yeast to produce a light, fresh taste.

"Companies can put the money saved into research and development or use it to tap into new markets," Xu said.

"China's reform and opening-up is a great achievement in the development of China ... In the process of reform and opening-up for the past 40 years, China's national power has grown stronger, and people's living quality improved greatly," Lee Hyuk - joon, president of Hyundai Motor Group (China) Ltd, said in a written interview earlier this month.


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