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安慰自己不生气的句子 劝告自己莫生气说说-句子-短句

作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/7/16 13:06:20 人气:7 加入收藏 标签:护士 the in is nurse 天使

洁白,是你们的衣裳;微笑,是你们的形象;无私,是你们的奉献。国际护士节,致敬可爱的白衣天使!祝你们节日快乐!white, is your clothing; smile, is your image; selfless, is your dedication. international nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white!飘逸白衣是你们舞动的翅膀,天使,总伴着祥云飞翔。elegant white clothes are your dancing wings, angels, always accompanied by auspicious clouds fly. international nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white!最温馨的声音,是护士的问候;最温暖的关心,是护士的目光。the most warm voice, is the nurse's greetings; the warmest concern is the nurse's eyes. international nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white!一身白衣表露出你们的纯洁,微笑的脸旁彰显出你们天使的模样。your purity is revealed in your white garments, and your angelic appearance is revealed by your smiling faces. international nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white!不辜负患者'以性命相托',敬佑生命救死扶伤甘于奉献。天使下凡成护士,镇守健康的源泉,杜绝伤病的开始,迎接幸福的开端,国际护士节来到,祝福护士体健安,一生幸福又无忧!护士节到了,向一直坚守在服务一线的护士朋友们致敬。护士,是黎明的曙光,给患者心中的夜晚照亮;护士,是生命的阶梯,能够指引患者一步步攀上健康的峰巅;护士,是幸福的使者,给患者飘洒快乐和希望,今天是护士节,祝敬爱的白衣天使一生幸福。白衣白帽白战袍,救人救世救天道。从病人康复的笑脸上,我深深感到护理职业的伟大,如一支蜡烛燃烧自我,照亮别人,

发布时间:2023-04-27 10:42:03

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