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作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/8/30 10:27:50 人气:9 加入收藏 标签:the ing and is 自己

1.前路浩浩荡荡 万物皆可期待

The road ahead is vast and everything can be expected.

2.别让平淡无奇的生活 耗尽你所有的向往

Don’t let the ordinary life exhaust all your yearnings.

3.来人间一趟 那就勇敢地去尝试一切的有可能吧

Come to the world once, then bravely try everything possible.

4.青春总会迷茫 别因为没掌声就丢掉你的梦想

Youth is always confused, Don’t lose your dream without applause.

5.要足够优秀 才能接住上天给的惊喜和机会

Be good enough to catch the surpises and opportunities from God.

6.不走心的努力 其实都是在敷衍自己

In fact, all the efforts of not wandering are perfunctory.

7.跨过星河 迈过月亮 去迎接更好的自己

Crossing the Star River, Crossing the Moon to Welcome Better Yourself.

8.人间值得 你也值得

The world is worth it and you are worth it.

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