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作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/8/30 10:49:24 人气:0 加入收藏 标签:the in is ing











































































































【英文介绍/For English】:

1. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

2. If you still have dreams, you are not afraid of pain and want to stand on the top with you.

3. If you don't venture into it, how will you know whether there is a cliff or the sea behind you.

4. Loneliness is not terrible. Everyone is lonely. What is terrible is the fear of loneliness.

5. It is better to fail at something you like than to succeed at something you hate.

6. Work hard to achieve your goals.

7. I am ordinary, but I am very brave in my bones.

8. If you have money, you can do things well, but if you don’t have money, you can do people well.

9. You don’t have to go to college! But you absolutely have to work hard!

10. The tears shining in the eyes will also turn into the strength that never compromises.

11. I don't think about whether I can succeed. Since I have chosen a distant place, I only care about both wind and rain.

12. The pressure of reality makes us breathless and makes us succeed.

13. The road you choose should be completed step by step.

14. Life is running desperately and falling gorgeously.

15. Life is like a match, only when tempered can a brilliant spark jump out.

16. Reality forces me to choose. Even if I am still confused, I still have to carry the future road by myself.

17. Would you like to be a hedgehog eager to hug or a snail that hides every time it hurts.

18. If there is sunshine in your heart, you will see that there are so many beautiful things in this world worth looking forward to and yearning for.

19. Believe in yourself, if you can bind yourself, you can break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly.

20. You can't force others to love yourself, you can only try to make yourself a person worthy of love.

21. Don't use past memories to torture yourself now.

22. Sweat is the lubricant of success.

23. People must have self-confidence, this is the secret of success.

24. The secret of success lies in being consistently loyal to your goals.

25. Even if no one nods to me, I will not give up flying.

26. When you are overwhelmed by pressure, remember that it is pressure that turns carbon into a sparkling diamond.

27. The reality will tell you that if you don't work hard, you will be trampled to death by life. There is no need to find any excuses, nothing is the reason to fight.

28. The way of life, most people, most of the time, people can only rely on themselves.

29. We should take today as the coordinates and imagine ourselves in the next few years.

30. Don't put too much energy on yesterday's choices and regrets.

31. At sunrise, try to make every day happy and meaningful, not for others, but for yourself.

32. Go after your dreams, don't stop until you die.

33. Life is a gamble. People who are afraid of losing will never win.

34. The curtain of the stage of life may be opened at any time, the key is whether you are willing to perform or choose to avoid.

35. People who can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them will succeed in all likelihood.

36. Money can be recovered once it is lost, but it is very difficult to recover once the reputation is lost.

37. It's nothing to fight a bull when you're not afraid; it's nothing to not fight a bull when you're afraid; it's nothing but to fight a bull when you're afraid.

38. The eyes that have shed tears will be brighter, and the heart that has been dripped with blood will be stronger.

39. The road is bumpy and unexpected, and the wind is strong and the grass is training men.

40. The world doesn't belong to you originally, so you don't need to abandon it, what you have to abandon is all attachments. All is what I use, but not my own.

41. There is no innate confidence, only the confidence that is constantly cultivated.

42. Be kind to others when you are proud, because you will need them when you are down.

43. Don't care too much about people and things, if you care too much, you will have regrets!

44. Action is a good medicine to cure fear, while hesitation and delay will continue to nourish fear.

45. The road depends on yourself, even if it is rough, you have to live by yourself.

46. Failure does not mean that you have wasted your time and life, failure shows that you have a reason to start over.

47. Feel self composes being drawn being unable to achieve, between reading only in one.

48. Don’t be afraid to fall, hit the wall, or suffer a crushing defeat. You are young and brave.

49. The world is full of injustice, what we can do is not only to accept, but also try to resist.

50. Hold a solemnity in joy, and leave a glimmer of hope in sorrow; be responsible for life, and treat every day that belongs to you carefully.

51. Everything must have a deadline, otherwise, most people will spend as much time as they have.

52. Whoever plays with life will accomplish nothing; whoever does not dominate himself will always be a slave.

53. One can never stop dreaming. Dreams are nourishment for the soul, just like food is nourishment for the body. On the road of life, we often see our dreams shattered and our desires frustrated, but we still need to dream.

54. Have ideals, goals, gather enough strength to rush forward; have courage, confidence, work hard and never relax; have perseverance, perseverance, persevere and never admit defeat; work harder, refresh yourself, and see the light of the future.

55. Hope is the only benefit shared by all people; those who have nothing still have hope.

56. Only reincarnation continues to turn, the sun rises, the moon sinks, the vegetation withers and flourishes. Who said: Time is still there, but we are flying by.

57. People always cherish what they don't get, but forget what they have.

58. Taking a step back does not mean that I admit defeat; letting go does not mean that I give up; smiling does not mean that I am happy!

59. Looking back in the crowd, friends are still sincere, reunited in life, with a peaceful and gentle state of mind, the past is like the wind, the years are like a song, the long road of life, the vicissitudes of life, the happiness!

60. The greatest challenge in life is not overcoming yourself!

61. Be the protagonist of your own life, not a spectator in the lives of others.

62. Success is not about how many things you get, but how much you throw away the extra things on your body.

63. Now I don't deserve to be tired, because I have nothing.

64. There are no ifs in life, only consequences and results. Don't ask others why, ask yourself why.

65. The road is bumpy and unexpected, and the wind is strong and the grass is strong.

66. Struggle has no end, any time is a starting point.

67. Successful people learn from others, and failed people only learn from themselves.

68. Many things are preordained, that is "fate"; but you can decide how to face it, that is "luck"!

69. Don't ask what others have done for you, but ask what you have done for others.

70. Success does not come only in the future, but from the moment you decide to do it, it will continue to accumulate.

71. Your love for one day may bring gratitude to others for a lifetime.

72. You should boil the cold water poured on you and pour it back. But I prefer to be a person like Lime. The more others pour cold water on me, the more boiling my life will be!

73. Five things a woman must have: Confidence on the face, kindness in the heart, backbone in the blood, arrogance leaked from both sides, and strength engraved in the soul!

74. The fastest and surest way to conquer fear and build self-confidence is to do what you are afraid of until you have successful experience.

75. The past, let it go, we missed yesterday's sunset, we can no longer miss today's sunrise, maintain a balanced mind, treat every day with the best mood, every day will be full of sunshine, full of sunshine hope.

76. A grain of dust condenses in the air, and finally forms majestic wind and rain; a grain of sand, polished in the clam, finally forms expensive pearls. Sometimes, a small start can lead to a magnificent and grand career; sometimes, an ordinary start can lead to a noble and great life.

77. Whether you are happy in life depends on your mood, and whether you are happy or not depends on your mentality. In a long life, nothing can be seen at a glance. A momentary triumph is nothing, and neither is a momentary failure.

78. Work hard, as if you don't expect anything in return; love sincerely, as if you have never been hurt; dance as if no one is watching you. This kind of life will definitely bring you happiness.

79. There is no fast lane to success, and no highway to happiness. All success comes from tireless hard work and running; all happiness comes from ordinary struggle and persistence.

80. Everyone will miss it, everyone has missed it, and what really belongs to you will never be missed.

81. When a person is truly enlightened, he gives up pursuing wealth in the external world, and begins to pursue his? Wealth.

82. Don't be angry but strive for it, don't see through it but make a breakthrough, don't be jealous but appreciate it, don't procrastinate but be positive, don't be tempted but take action.

83. The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but in what direction we are heading.

84. All victory, and the victory conquering self compare , are all insignificant. All failures are insignificant compared with the failure of losing oneself.

85. After letting go of some baggage, you will be surprised to find that you can fly so high.

86. There is always someone prettier than you, smarter than you, younger than you, but no one can replace you.

87. If you have not encountered setbacks, you will never know how powerful you are.

88. Giving up is not the absolute of life.

89. The most gratifying thing for a person: parents are alive, two or three confidants, and a lover that cannot be stolen. Everything else is an illusion, don't worry too much about it.

90. The weather affects the body, the body determines the mind, and the mind determines the mood.

91. Disregarding when you are over,important being does not regret right away after being over.

92. You give your thinking to the TV, your phone to your phone, your legs to your car, and your health to your pills.

93. It's not someone who annoys you, but you annoy yourself with someone's words and deeds.

94. In life, we should treat complex life with a simple state of mind. The most ruthless thing is not people, but time; the most precious thing is not money, but emotion; ;The ugliest thing is not swear words, but silence; the most beautiful thing is not the future, but today.

95. Before everything gets better, we always have to experience some unhappy days. This period may be very long, or it may just wake up. Sometimes, choosing to be happy requires more courage.

96. Don't bring your own troubles because of the ignorance and doubts of all beings. Don't hurt yourself because of the ignorance of all beings.

97. If your life is already at a low point, then go boldly, because no matter how you go, you are going up.

98. You can cry but not lose, you can be sad but not down, how will you know how much applause you can win if you don’t work hard? If you can shout “I don’t need to worry about this little thing” every day, you will find , You have an incredible power in your heart, try it, it will work.

99. I dare not rest because I have no savings. I dare not say tired, because I have no achievements. I dare not be lazy, because I still have to live. I can give up the choice, but I can't choose to give up. Being strong and fighting is my only choice.

100. Life is not about compromise. The more you withdraw, the more limited your breathing space will be. Life is not for making ends meet, the humbler you are, the farther away some happy things will be from you.

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