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抖音最火的英文句子(Rewrite Catchy English Phrases Taking Over TikTok)

作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/11/8 10:43:31 人气:6 加入收藏 标签:ing the and me in is


TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world right now. It has become a cultural phenomenon, influencing the way we communicate, create content and consume entertainment. One of the key reasons why TikTok has grown so rapidly and captured our attention is its extensive library of catchy and creative content.

TikTok's Catchy English Phrases

One of the standout features of TikTok is its collection of popular English phrases that have taken over the platform. These phrases are often accompanied by creative and comical videos, which have made them even more memorable. Here are some of the most popular English phrases on TikTok right now:


"Periodt" is typically used by people to emphasize something they’re saying, indicating that there’s nothing more to be said or debated about the topic at hand. It's a way of affirming your point and making yourself heard without any room for argument.

"No Cap"

"No cap" is commonly used when someone is telling the truth and wants to express that they're not lying or exaggerating. It's a way of adding credibility to what you're saying and making sure people believe you.


"Sksksksk" is a phrase used to express excitement or happiness. It's often accompanied by multiple "Aaah"s and "Ooooh"s and is meant to represent a positive reaction to something like a cute puppy, a new outfit, or a funny TikTok video.

"And I oop-"

"And I oop-" is typically used when someone accidentally says something or does something embarrassing. It's a way of acknowledging the situation and quickly moving on. The phrase originates from a popular video of a drag queen who accidentally hit their balls while performing and quickly stopped to say "And I oop-".


"POV" stands for "Point Of View" and is used to create a storytelling effect in TikTok videos. It's a way of taking the viewer on a journey from your perspective, allowing them to experience a situation. This phrase is commonly used by actors, comedians, and creatives on the platform to engage with their audience in a unique way.


The rise of TikTok has shown that catchy and creative content can transcend language barriers and cultural differences, bringing people together through shared experiences. As English continues to dominate the language of the internet, these phrases will no doubt continue to evolve and shape the way we communicate with each other.

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