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作者:句子 来源:网络 日期:2023/12/29 11:53:37 人气:2 加入收藏 标签:the is in ing me

Words and Phrases that Represent Progression in English Writing

Writing a coherent and effective piece of writing requires a writer to use appropriate connectors that can help the readers understand and follow the writer’s ideas. As with any language, English has a rich and varied collection of words and phrases that can help to signal progression in a piece of writing. Below is a list of some common connectors used to show progression, as well as some examples of how they work in context.

Firstly, let’s start with the most commonly used connector to show progression: “firstly”. This connective phrase is often used to introduce the first item in a list or outline, such as in an introductory paragraph of an essay. For example, a writer might say, “Firstly, we need to consider the impact of climate change on the environment”, before going on to discuss other related factors.

Moving on, we have the connector “in addition” which is often used to add extra information to an idea or argument. For instance, a writer might say, “In addition to climate change, deforestation is also a major environmental issue”. This connector helps to show that the writer has more examples or evidence to support their argument, and that these ideas are linked together.

Another connector that represents progression is “moreover”. This connector is similar to “in addition” in meaning but can be used to add a stronger or more emphatic point to an argument. For example, a writer might say, “Moreover, deforestation is a cause of biodiversity loss which has far-reaching consequences”. In this case, the writer is adding an important point that further strengthens their argument.

Furthermore, “furthermore” is another connector that can be used to show progression in a piece of writing. Similar to “moreover”, this phrase can be used to introduce a new idea or argument that further supports the writer’s position. For example, a writer might say, “Furthermore, the depletion of global fish stocks is posing a threat to worldwide food supplies”. This connector provides an additional argument that demonstrates the serious consequences of the problem being discussed.

Lastly, we have the connector “finally” which is used to signal the end of a discussion or to introduce a concluding thought, summarizing the main points discussed. A writer might say, “Finally, it is clear that urgent action is needed to address the multiple environmental issues facing our world today”. This connector helps the reader to understand that the writer has finished discussing the topic and is now coming to a conclusion.

In conclusion, using appropriate connectors when we write can make our writing more effective and easier to follow. By using connectors such as “firstly”, “in addition”, “moreover”, “furthermore” and “finally”, writers can clearly indicate progression in their writing and strengthen their arguments.

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