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作者:句子 来源:网络 日期:2024/1/29 11:04:42 人气:3 加入收藏 标签:the ing



As an editor, I highly recommend using modal verbs to express opinions and give suggestions in your writing. In this article, I will highlight the value of using modal verbs and show you some sample sentences on the topic of "customs."

What are Modal Verbs?

Modal verbs, also known as auxiliary verbs, are used to express an attitude toward a particular action or event. Examples of common modal verbs include "can," "could," "may," "might," "should," "must," and "will."

Why Should You Use Modal Verbs?

Modal verbs can bring more nuance and precision to your writing. Furthermore, they can help you make your writing more persuasive and sound more like a conversation.

Here are some sample sentences that use modal verbs:

1. Customs officials should use technology to improve the inspection process.

2. Travelers must declare all goods that exceed the tax-free limit.

3. Tourists can get a refund on the VAT they pay on purchases made in the country.

4. People may need to present their passports at customs.

5. The customs fees might vary by the type of goods being imported.

Tips for Using Modal Verbs:

1. Use modal verbs to convey suggestions or recommendations.

2. Avoid using modal verbs to express strong opinions.

3. Keep in mind that you should use the correct modals based on the tense of your verbs.

4. Use conditional modals (e.g. "could," "would," "should") to express hypothetical situations.


Writing with modal verbs can help you create more effective, persuasive content. When it comes to the topic of customs, using modal verbs can help you sound more knowledgeable and authoritative. Remember to use modals wisely and accurately, and your writing will improve.

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