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作者:句子 来源:网络 日期:2024/3/24 15:14:58 人气:7 加入收藏 标签:the and in

How to Pronounce "Wàipó" - The Chinese Word for Grandmother

One of the most important relationships we have in life is the one we share with our grandparents. Whether it's your maternal grandmother, or "wàipó" in Chinese, or your paternal grandmother, or "nǎinai," these family members hold a special place in our hearts.

The Meaning Behind "Wàipó"

In Mandarin Chinese, the word for grandmother on your mother's side is "wàipó." The word is broken down into two separate characters, "外" and "婆."

The first character, "外," means "outside" or "external." It is often used to describe things that are outside of the family or group. For example, "外国" means "foreign country."

The second character, "婆," means "maternal grandmother." It is a term of endearment used to describe a woman who has grandchildren.

Therefore, "wàipó" literally means "external maternal grandmother." This is because, traditionally, the wife would move into her husband's family household after marriage. The husband's parents would become the primary caregivers for the children, while the wife's parents would become "external" or less involved in the day-to-day activities of the family.

Pronouncing "Wàipó"

For those who are unfamiliar with Mandarin Chinese, "wàipó" may seem like a difficult word to pronounce. However, it is a relatively simple word once you understand the correct tones and pronunciation.

The word is broken down into two syllables: "wài" and "pó."

The first syllable, "wài," is pronounced as "why" with a rising tone. The second syllable, "pó," is pronounced as "paw" with a falling tone.

Put together, the word should be pronounced as "why-paw." It may take a bit of practice to get the tones right, but with a little effort, anyone can learn to pronounce "wàipó" correctly.

In the end, the most important thing is not the pronunciation, but the love and respect that we have for our grandmothers, no matter what language we speak.


Grandmothers are a vital part of our families and our lives, and they deserve to be loved and cherished. Learning to pronounce the correct term for our grandmothers, such as "wàipó" in Chinese, is a small but meaningful way to show our appreciation for them. So the next time you see your grandmother, be sure to give her a big hug and tell her how much you love her, no matter what language you speak.

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