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How to Pronounce "Gu" in English

As a non-native English speaker, it can be challenging to know how to pronounce certain words correctly. One such word that may give people trouble is "gu." Whether you are trying to say "gu" as part of a name, a word like "guitar," or any other English word that contains "gu," there are a few things you should keep in mind. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks to help you pronounce "gu" in English correctly.

The Sounds of "Gu"

Before we dive into how to pronounce "gu" in specific words, let's take a look at the two possible sounds "gu" can make in English. The sounds are "g" and "gw." The "g" sound is the hard "g" sound made when you say words like "go" or "give." The "gw" sound is a softer version of the "g" sound, made when you say words like "guitar" or "guard." Knowing these two sounds will help you when you come across "gu" in a word.

How to Pronounce "Gu" in Specific Words

Now that we know the two potential sounds "gu" can make, let's explore how to pronounce "gu" in some commonly ued English words.


One of the most common words that contains "gu" is "guitar." To say "guitar" in English, start by saying the "gw" sound, then add the "tar" sound at the end. So, it sounds like "gwuh-tar."


Another word with "gu" that people may have trouble with is "guacamole." The proper pronunciation of "guacamole" is "gwah-kuh-moh-lee." Once again, start with the "gw" sound and add the rest of the syllables gradually.


"Gust" is a word with a harder "g" sound when pronounced in English. It sounds like "g-uh-st." Notice how there is no "w" sound in this word—the "g" in this case is pronounced as a hard "g."

Practice Makes Perfect

Learning how to pronounce "gu" in English may not happen overnight. It takes practice, patience, and determination. Listen to native English speakers say words with "gu" and try to mimic their pronunciation. The more you practice, the easier it will become to get the sounds right.


In conclusion, "gu" in English can make either a hard "g" or a soft "gw" sound. By understanding this and practicing it in specific words, you can improve your English pronunciation and communication skills. So keep practicing and do not get discouraged if it takes time to get the hang of it. With time and effort, you will be able to say "gu" like a native English speaker!

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