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作者:句子 来源:网络 日期:2024/3/30 9:22:56 人气:0 加入收藏 标签:is in


Have you ever been to a juice bar and wondered how to order your favourite juice in English? Fear not! In this article, we will discuss how to say "I want to drink juice" and other related phrases in English.

Basic vocabulary for ordering juice

To order juice in English, you should know the following basic vocabulary:

- Juice: a drink made from fruits or vegetables

- Fruit: a sweet food that grows on a tree or a plant

- Vegetable: a plant that is used for food

- Blender: a machine that mixes ingredients together

- Smoothie: a type of drink made from fruits or vegetables blended with ice or milk

Useful phrases for ordering juice

When you go to a juice bar, here are some useful phrases you can use to order your drink:

- "I would like to have a juice, please." This is a polite way to order any kind of juice.

- "Can I have an orange juice, please?" This is a specific request for a certain kind of juice.

- "Do you have any vegetable juice?" This is a question to ask if you are looking for a healthier option.

- "May I have a smoothie with strawberries and bananas?" This is a way to customize your order.

- "Could you add some ice to my juice?" This is a request for a cooler drink.

Expressions for paying for juice

After you order your drink, you will need to pay for it. Here are some expressions you can use:

- "How much is the juice?" This is a basic question to ask about the price.

- "I will have the orange juice for $3." This is a way to specify which drink you want and pay for it at the same time.

- "Can I pay with a credit card?" This is a question about the available payment methods.


Knowing basic English vocabulary and phrases for ordering and paying for juice is essential when visiting an English-speaking country. Remember to practice these expressions and enjoy your delicious juice!

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