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作者:句子 来源:原创 日期:2024/4/5 12:41:09 人气:0 加入收藏 标签:ing in and is

How to Write in Thirteen's English

If you're a fan of the Netflix show "Stranger Things," you may have come across the peculiar way the character Thirteen speaks. She uses a lot of slang and shortened words, making her language unique and fun to listen to. If you want to try writing in Thirteen's English, here are some tips to get started:

1. Use slang

Slang is a key component of Thirteen's English. Incorporate words like "rad," "gnarly," and "sick" into your writing to give it that cool vibe. Don't be afraid to get creative with your language!

2. Shorten words

Thirteen often shortens words, like saying "Maxin'" instead of "maximizing." Try shortening words in your own writing, like using "prob" for "probably" or "def" for "definitely."

3. Use acronyms

Thirteen also likes to use acronyms, like "TBH" for "to be honest" and "IDK" for "I don't know." Incorporate these into your writing for a more authentic Thirteen experience.

4. Be informal

Thirteen is a very informal character, so don't worry too much about proper grammar or sentence structure. Use contractions and write like you would talk to a friend.

5. Practice

The best way to get better at writing in Thirteen's English is to practice! Write short stories or journal entries using the tips above and see how it feels. You may discover a new love for this fun and quirky way of speaking.

Remember, writing in Thirteen's English is about having fun and experimenting with language. Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things!

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