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Learning a new language can be intimidating, especially if you are starting from scratch. English, being the most widely spoken language in the world, is a great language to learn and can open many doors for you. In this article, we will introduce you to a list of entry-level English vocabulary and some simple sentences to get you started on your English journey.


1. Hello - a greeting used when meeting someone for the first time or in a formal setting.

2. Goodbye - a farewell greeting used when parting from someone.

3. Please - a polite word used to make a request or ask for something.

4. Thank you - a polite phrase used to express gratitude or appreciation.

5. Yes - a word used to indicate agreement or affirmation.

6. No - a word used to indicate disagreement or negation.

7. I - a pronoun used to refer to oneself.

8. You - a pronoun used to refer to the person being spoken to.

9. He - a pronoun used to refer to a male individual.

10. She - a pronoun used to refer to a female individual.

Simple Sentences

1. Hello, my name is [Name]. - This sentence can be used as an introduction when meeting someone for the first time.

2. Goodbye, see you later. - This sentence can be used to say goodbye to someone.

3. Please give me the book. - This sentence can be used to make a request for something.

4. Thank you for your help. - This sentence can be used to express gratitude or appreciation.

5. Yes, I would like to order a pizza. - This sentence can be used to indicate agreement or affirmation.

6. No, I cannot come to the party. - This sentence can be used to indicate disagreement or negation.

7. I am a student. - This sentence can be used to indicate one's occupation or identity.

8. You are very kind. - This sentence can be used as a compliment.

9. He is my brother. - This sentence can be used to introduce a male individual.

10. She is my friend. - This sentence can be used to introduce a female individual.


Learning a new language can seem daunting, but with time and practice, it can become easier. Starting with basic vocabulary and simple sentences can give you a solid foundation to build upon. By using the vocabulary and sentences mentioned in this article, you can start communicating in English and feel more confident in your language skills.

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