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How to Say Umbrella in English: The Meaning Behind the Word

Umbrella is a very common item used by millions of people around the world. But have you ever wondered where the word umbrella comes from and what it means? In this article, we will delve into the history and meaning of the word umbrella in English.

The Origins of the Word Umbrella

The word "umbrella" comes from the Italian word "ombrello", which means "little shade". The Italian word itself comes from the Latin word "umbella", which means "sunshade".

The first known use of the word umbrella in English was in 1611, and it was used to describe a parasol or sunshade. It wasn't until the late 1700s that the word umbrella started being used to describe the collapsible canopy that we are familiar with today.

The Significance of Umbrellas in Different Cultures

The umbrella has played a significant role in many cultures throughout history. In Japan, for example, the umbrella has become a powerful symbol of protection and good fortune. In Japanese folklore, the god of thunder and lightning, Raijin, uses an umbrella to protect himself from his own lightning bolts. In China, umbrellas have been used for centuries to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

In Western cultures, the umbrella has a more practical purpose as a tool to keep us dry in the rain. However, it has also become a symbol of sophistication and elegance. In the Victorian era, for example, carrying an umbrella was considered a sign of status and refinement.

The Many Types of Umbrellas

Umbrellas come in many different shapes and sizes, each with its own unique features. Some popular types of umbrellas include:

Folding umbrellas: These are the most common type of umbrella, with a foldable canopy that can be easily stored in a bag or backpack.

Golf umbrellas: These umbrellas are larger and often have a double canopy to withstand strong winds.

Transparent umbrellas: These umbrellas have a clear canopy made of plastic or vinyl, allowing you to see through them.


Umbrellas have been around for centuries and continue to be an essential item in our daily lives. Whether you use an umbrella for protection from the sun or rain, or as a fashion accessory, the word "umbrella" has a rich history and meaning that is often overlooked. By learning more about the origins and significance of the word, we can gain a deeper appreciation for this practical and stylish accessory.

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