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作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2022/4/16 3:29:50 人气:5 加入收藏 标签:the ing is



The sound of firecrackers drove away the cold

Singing and laughing call for spring

Spring is on the distant horizon

Take a light step

Go to each and every one of us

Come and meet up.

Let the warm spring breeze

Gently touch every smiling face

Let the messenger of spring dance with huge crayons

Paint the earth with light green and white

Render a huge picture with colorful colors


The firecrackers sound sweet,

Laughter and laughter into pieces:

Melon and fruit fragrance,

Orderly young and old,

Wearing new clothes,

Holding a red envelope,

Sit around the table,

Listen to the elders tell us where we are,

Looking at middle-aged housekeeping,

See young people devoting themselves to serving relatives,

Happy children are beaming.

Traveling in the mountains, playing in the water and singing,

Singing happy year across the mountain;

The male voice is loud,

The female voice is pleasant,

Love with songs,

By voice,


Make pedestrians blush,

Make lovers smile,

Tell the old man to look straight,

I congratulate myself on the New Year.


One hundred and eight sounds

The earth turns instantly

Say goodbye to the past

Clean up filth

The last moment of 2021

The universe is not destroyed after all

Take a long hiss

You, me, him

The more you live, the happier you are

The bell rings every year

Shenzhou Suisui Innovation

Tiangong takes the moon for nine days

Xiaolong went to sea to catch turtles

Aircraft carrier Style

Destroy fifteen and take off

President Xi relayed the banner of Deng Gong

Painting China's beautiful society

The New Year bell rings

Spring approaches us

Wake up and the sun rises

You and I are one year older

Is the plan well done

Is the target positioned

It's better to talk less empty talk

Hard work is the best

Building a harmonious home

Contribute your wisdom

Wait until next year's celebration

Wear red flowers and shine brightly


New Year is different from year to year

When I was a child, I looked forward to it every day

Looking forward to spring and coming again in winter

Ruixue fluttering is another bumper year

Farmers' smiling faces, memories of childhood, and a kind of nostalgia for

the year

At that time, the year was a new dress for my son

It's a plate of dumplings in the middle of the year

It is an annual lucky money that I have been looking forward to.

At that time, the year was so desirable

Growing up in the New Year's bell year after year

The mood of looking forward to the new year is still there

Ruixue's dream as a child remains the same

At that time, the year was the gathering after missing

It's a parting after meeting

It's the big New Year's Eve dinner in New Year's Eve

It is the Spring Festival Evening that I have been looking forward to and

looking forward to

The year at that time was so nostalgic

Year after year, year after year

Years remind people that Ruixue is still in a good year

The present year is not the plate of dumplings in the middle of the


The old man said that every day is a year now

Yes, the party's policy is good

Life changes every day to celebrate the New Year, or is it so desirable

I hope my mother's sideburns grow white hair

I hope that my son will grow into a father

Time goes by without knowing it

The feeling of years is different

I also dream of childhood ice and snow

I will miss the simple New Year's Eve dinner again and again

I will also remember the new clothes made by my mother

I will still miss the reunion and separation again and again

year in year out

The old house is long gone

Mother's oil lamp also gradually become memories

Year after year, the family is on and off again and again

People are gathering and dispersing again and again

Children have become parents

Parents are not young either

But the mood of looking forward to the new year remains the same

At this time of the year

It is the lively gathering of children and grandchildren

It is a happy smiling face when we get together

Year after year, the family changes unconsciously

The times are also advancing unconsciously

From reform and opening up to the Three Represents

From keeping pace with the times to a harmonious society

Years are changing unconsciously

And we are constantly growing and making progress

Of course, with the increase of age, the feeling of the year will be


Now I don't look forward to the new year as I used to

But I miss the feelings of those years

We are still going on year after year

I don't know what time

I can still find the feeling of the New Year

Year by year, year by year


Spring Festival is the most intensive gathering

Spring Festival is the busiest leisure

Spring Festival is the most concentrated trip

Spring Festival is the biggest auto show

Spring Festival is the hottest countryside

Spring Festival is the truest New Year's greetings

Spring Festival is the hardest date

Spring Festival is the most comfortable fatigue

Spring Festival is the happiest parent

Spring Festival is the most filial son and daughter

Spring Festival is the warmest hospitality

Spring Festival is the most crowded hotel

Spring Festival is the happiest. Cheers

Spring Festival is the warmest reunion

Spring Festival is the most solemn farewell

Spring Festival is the best wish

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