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历史典故大全:鹜蚌相争 渔人得利_名人故事

作者:名言 来源:原创 日期:2021/8/11 21:17:05 人气:4 加入收藏 标签:the is in

Historical allusions: 鹜 鹜 相 争 人 人

When the Warring States, Sili (famous "of the famous YANG Qin's brother) I heard that Zhao Guo will attack Yan Guo, and he said that the customer said to Zhao Guo to discourage. When Supreme saw Zhao Huiwen, he talked about such a story: from Yan Guo to Zhao Guo, after Yi Water (now a river in the central Hebei Province, it is easy to see, seeing an ovate water in the sun. The sun, it is like a bird to go to the meat.马 合 其 其 地 将 将 地 鹜 鹜 鹜 鹜 鹜 鹜 今天 今天 今天 今天 今天 自 今天 下 下 下 下 选 选 选 自 自 自 自 选 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自 自Don't let you go tomorrow, you will be killed. Both sides are not allowed to make each other, and they have a fishman, and they have caught them. Under the persuasion of Southam, Zhao Wang gave up the intention of attacking Yan State. The story of Sudi said, is called 鹜 鹜, the fisherman is profitable. It is also often quoted so far, in order to illustrate that the results have two defeatings, resulting in the benefits of the third party.

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