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作者:句子 来源:网络 日期:2024/3/24 17:12:59 人气:6 加入收藏 标签:in ?? me English and


How to Pronounce Food in English?

What comes to your mind when you think of food? Delicious taste, tempting aroma, or assorted flavors? But do you know how to pronounce those food names in English correctly? Here we have listed some popular food names with their correct pronunciation.

Meat and Seafood:

- Beef: /bi?f/

- Chicken: /?t??k?n/

- Pork: /p??k/

- Fish: /f??/

- Shrimp: /?r?mp/

- Lobster: /?lɑ?bst?r/

Fruits and Vegetables:

- Apple: /??pl/

- Banana: /b??n?n?/

- Carrot: /?k?r?t/

- Orange: /???r?nd?/

- Strawberry: /?str??b?ri/

- Broccoli: /?brɑ?k?li/

Dairy Products:

- Milk: /m?lk/

- Cheese: /t?i?z/

- Yogurt: /?jo?ɡ?rt/

- Butter: /?b?t?r/

Bread and Grains:

- Bread: /bred/

- Rice: /ra?s/

- Pasta: /?p?st?/

- Oatmeal: /?o?tmil/


- Coffee: /?kɑ?fi/

- Tea: /ti?/

- Beer: /b?r/

- Wine: /wa?n/

These are just a few examples of how to pronounce popular names of food products. There are obviously many more food products out there for you to explore and learn how to pronounce in English.

Knowing how to pronounce food names in English not only helps you improve your spoken English but also helps you communicate with people more effectively while traveling abroad or dining out at a restaurant.

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